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Re: [Nmh-workers] message rewrite/fix up

2013-02-10 12:13:45
Hi David,

messageid=`grep -i ^Message-Id "$1" | \
    sed -e 's/^[Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]-[Ii][Dd]: *<*//' -e 's/>$//' | \
    tr '[/\\]' '[..]'`

My inner sed prefers replacing those three with

    mi=`sed -n '
        /^$/q; /^[Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]-[Ii][Dd]:/!d
        s/>.*//; s/.*<//; y#/\\#..#; p
    ' "$1"`

:-)  It also avoids reading the whole of the email.  BTW, your brackets
for tr are actually asking it to transliterate an open bracket to an
open bracket and so on.

 #      Message-IDs should be unique, so there should be no need to
 #      backup a file with the same name, especially if it is
 #      malicious.  If the backup file already exists, use 2).

Even if they are unique, and I've had incoming ones that aren't, they
could differ in a way that's removed by y#/#.#.  I wonder if the
fallback should be to use $mi as the base for whatever the POSIX way of
mktemp(1) is and let it avoid the clash.  That may, message-ID is still
the base.

Cheers, Ralph.

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