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Re: [Nmh-workers] Maybe time for a new release?

2016-03-10 13:33:56
David Levine <levinedl(_at_)acm(_dot_)org> writes:
Norm wrote:

David Levine <levinedl(_at_)acm(_dot_)org> writes:

Translate text/plain parts to UTF-8 To translate all text/plain parts in
the current message to UTF-8, in addition to all of the default

mhfixmsg -textcharset utf-8

How do I translate, to utf-8, all parts of a message, which can be
reasonably translated to utf-8? The first such part?

mhfixmsg doesn't currently support either of those. It's not clear to me how
to determine "can be reasonably translated to utf-8". We've discussed this
here recently, and Ralph raised the counterexample of an html page relying on
a particular charset.

And I'll resist making the tool even more complicated by adding interfaces to
select which parts to touch. So it's none or all, unless there would be a
real benefit to translate only specified parts.

Let me start this thread from scratch.

The bulk of the non-spam mail I receive still has a utf-8 or a quotedPrintable
part. I would like to apply UNIX text processing tools (grep, wc, sort, uniq,
perl, etc) to these messages. It would be nice if the next release made that
reasonably easily possible.

    Norman Shapiro

Nmh-workers mailing list

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