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Re: [Nmh-workers] RFC 2047 vs RFC 2231 encoding for MIME parameters

2016-10-02 22:18:18
On Sun, 02 Oct 2016 20:50:35 -0400, Ken Hornstein said:

I think we're all fine with that; I'm wondering if we should see if it's
an RFC 2047-encoded filename and just decode it automatically.

I see plenty of sources of heartburn if somebody sends a filename with
Hebrew characters in whatever 8859-foo (-8?), to somebody in a UTF-8
environment.  Unlike textual data intended to be read, where "decode to
recipient's locale" makes sense, when it's a filename things get stickier,
because there can be external references (indexes, etc) that point at a
filename in a particular encoding - or even the 2047-encoded string as the
filename. :)

Adding to the fun, Unix-y filenames don't *have* a locale...

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