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Re: [Nmh-workers] RFC 2047 vs RFC 2231 encoding for MIME parameters

2016-10-03 05:13:47

Valdis wrote:
Ken wrote:
I think we're all fine with that; I'm wondering if we should see if
it's an RFC 2047-encoded filename and just decode it automatically.

I think my -1 has already been counted.

I see plenty of sources of heartburn if somebody sends a filename with
Hebrew characters in whatever 8859-foo (-8?), to somebody in a UTF-8

Acting like other MUA's on this doesn't match nmh's behaviour on other
transgressions and I'd prefer the wrong encoding not to be swept under
the carpet.  nmh users are often savvy enough that they can chase back
to the creator, e.g. FLOSS PHP library, but only once they become aware
of the problem.

Cheers, Ralph.

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