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Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the release of nmh-1.7

2017-11-19 15:02:58

Ken Hornstein wrote:
I just double-checked RFC 5322, and as far as I know this is valid.
Specifically, "To:" is defined as having an address-list:

        address-list = (address *("," address)) / obs-addr-list

And the other relevant bits are:

        address = mailbox / group
        group = display-name ":" [group-list] ";" [CFWS]

back when i sysadmin'd for sendmail, i wrote my own configs, because the M4 stuff made no sense to me. and i broke the "group" parsing every time. and i was never able to figure out how to support it.

i'm guessing that i wasn't the only one, and that sendmail wasn't the only one, and that a fair number of MUA and MTA implementations only handle the e-mail formats that those authors had seen in their inboxes, and no attention was paid to the RFC's.

P Vixie


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