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Re: Suppressing processing of UU/BASE64 encoded attachments

1998-07-22 12:35:25
Philip Guenther wrote,

| On Tue, 21 Jul 1998 11:43:44 -0700 (PDT),
| "John D. Hardin" <jhardin(_at_)wolfenet(_dot_)com> wrote:
| > 1) match original message, process/deliver original message
| > 2) match forked message, process/deliver original message
| > 3) match original message, process/deliver forked message
| > 4) match forked message, process/deliver forked message
| You can already do all of these right now: (1) is the normal situation,
| (3) and (4) are easy: just do the filtering before or after you do the
| matching.  The only tricky one, (2), can be done using the trick
| described by David Tamkin:

Wait, Philip, you mean my suggestion WORKS?  That has to be the best thing
about procmail I found by sheer dumb luck since the "{ }" no-op.

|       :0 c:
|       {

You'll need to name the lockfile there.  But wouldn't a `W' or `w' flag do
the job instead of (and more efficiently than) a lockfile [unless some actual
file needs serialized writes]?

|           # This is the "forked message".  Filter and match, then
|           # use EXITCODE to tell the parent what happened.
|           :0 f
|           | strip-attachments
|           # failure by default...
|           EXITCODE = 1
|           :0
|           * blah blah blah
|           { EXITCODE = 0 }    # ...unless success
|           HOST                # kill the child
|       }
|       # If the match in the child succeeded, deliver
|       :0 a
|       some-file

In the example I posted a couple days ago, the known action was on failure,
not on success, so it was wrapped up with a :0e recipe.  For successes
procmail had to keep reading recipes.