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Re: SmartList FAQ

1998-10-10 16:59:08

On Sat, 10 Oct 1998 cueman(_at_)cue(_dot_)com wrote:

Bart Schaefer said at one time:
I read through a hundred recent messages or so from each of the procmail
and SmartList lists before asking about "Ongoing development" on the
SmartList list.  The procmail messages were almost entirely Q&A about
procmailrc recipes, and (until after I asked) the SmartList messages were
mostly about setup.

Here's a statistic: approximately 3% of the procmail messages archived in
September mention the word "patch".  Fewer actually include one or point
to one.  I was hoping for a bit better hit rate.

Here is the URL to a FAQ maintained by the owner of the URL which
is basically a compilation of the results of discussion on the
SmartList mailing list. I think this should be an indicator of the
kinds of things people are interested in SmartList doing.

Perhaps I should put this in my sig file for the benefit of newcomers
to the list.

But there are certainly some performance improvements and bug fixes
to look after also.

I would be interested in a referral of a similar FAQ for procmail
if anyone has it. In particular I am interested in the spam filtering.

I recommend:

and in particular:

Hope that helps.



