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Re: "TO_" expression incomplete [possible defect in procmail]

2002-10-10 02:34:38
On 9 Oct 2002 daniel lance herrick (dlh(_at_)dlh(_dot_)com) wrote:

X-Real-To: <dlh(_at_)dlh(_dot_)com>

header. It is put there by when they are dumping all the mail to a

This seems reasonable to me too. I'm collecting a list of headers
that are used for the original envelope recipient address and
what programs/ISPs use them here:


If anyone has anything to add to this list, please let me. E.g.,
what program(s) use Envelope-To:?

Thanks lance, I've added X-Real-To to my list. Does anyone know
what MTA or ISP uses Envelope-To? Any other headers with envelope
info are welcome!


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