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Re: New Procmail Recipe Forum at UNIX.COM for the Procmail Community

2003-02-15 13:04:07
At 14:21 2003-02-15 -0500, Tim Bass did say:
One of the biggest problems on the Internet today is spam and one of the best tools that is available on all UNIX and LINUX favors to fight spam is PROCMAIL.

This is shocking news to the users of the procmail discussion list.

We have started an experimental forum dedicated to helping people reduce the avalanche of spam by sharing their procmail receipes and for writing better ones! Here is the link (you must be a registered user of UNIX.COM to post):

FTR, you've just sent your announcement to a list which supports a unix-based tool, but you used the windows MS outlook program and richtext to do so (hint: many unix mailers are text based and don't render fonts).

I am reminded of the unsolicited offer I received from this past week to buy their anti-spam service.

I for one would be a LOT more receptive to this new forum if you were an established participant of THIS forum before you used THIS forum to adverise YOUR forum (a dozen posts over 4 years ago probably doesn't count). I'm sure you didn't mean to spam the procmail list, but to those who fight spam on a regular basis, your message strongly resembles spam.

It is amazing that some people fail to recognize this in their enthusiasm to spread the word about a new endeavour.

Let's see how it goes..... We hope the Procmail community finds this forum useful and will support it.

This member of the procmail community plans on continuing to use the procmail list to discuss procmail issues, just like he plans to continue to use EMAIL for discussion lists, since web based forums are kludgy and are not well suited to discussions where someone might compose part of a reply and come back later to finish it after running a few tests. Email works quite well for that.

I've also found that most web lists that offer a mail feature still pump an HTML message down at you (often without a plaintext version), and the reply mechanism is STILL via a web interface.

I might be alone in my belief, but I think I'll stick to the procmail list for my dose of procmail, and for where I lend my time to assist others with their procmail script writing.

- Sean (still wishing people had to be a subscriber of procmail to post here)

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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