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Re: noisiest posters

2003-02-15 16:58:46
| You know I was aware that those numbers weren't representative for you.
| But it was mostly collateral to the point, and I didn't expect you to
| call me on it. ;-)

Call you on it?  Hardly.  I was calling myself on having posted so much.
| These include anything with "dattier".  Is that everything?
|    1 rossbox(_at_)dattier(_dot_)mailshell(_dot_)com
|    3 dattier(_at_)pop2a(_dot_)ripco(_dot_)com
|  105 dattier(_at_)panix(_dot_)com
|  204 guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu
|  247 dattier(_at_)ripco(_dot_)com
|  546 pse-l(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org

If 247 are too many, 356 are way too many.

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