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RE: New Procmail Recipe Forum at UNIX.COM for the Procmail Communit y

2003-02-15 14:12:56
On 15 Feb, Tim Bass wrote:
| Sean,
| I am going to reply to your antisocial and rude message.
| [snip unwarranted personal invective]

You need to re-read both Sean's post and your own. If your big enough
and capable of objectivity (and a little self examination) you'll see
that both were tough. Only one was rude and anti-social and it wasn't
Sean's.  And since an attack on me is probably next, let me just make
this clear for the record.

I sometimes wish that Sean were a little easier on people. But that is
ONLY a question of style, not substance, and it's NOT my call to make. 
In the end, he offers great amounts of substantive help, all at a
significant cost to his time, and receives a lot of unwarranted
personal abuse because small minded people get their shorts in a knot
over style.

Here's the top 3 posters to this list for the years 2001 and 2002:

 319 pse-l(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org
 385 guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu
 386 dattier(_at_)ripco(_dot_)com

 204 guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu
 247 dattier(_at_)ripco(_dot_)com
 546 pse-l(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org

You were out of line, not him.  If that means I don't get to go to either ... I guess I'll live.

Email address in From: header is valid  * but only for a couple of days *
This is my reluctant response to spammers' unrelenting address harvesting

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