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Re: New Procmail Recipe Forum at UNIX.COM for the Procmail Communit y

2003-02-15 13:51:52
On 15 Feb, Professional Software Engineering wrote:
| [...]
| I am reminded of the unsolicited offer I received from this 
| past week to buy their anti-spam service.

Yeah. A PYLM scheme that someone on this list had configured to
auto-ack list posts in Sept of last year. IIRC, it used header From:
not envelope sender, so posters got the spew but the general list was
spared. At that time I added this to my access.db:  550 Go Away! I hate spam... and I hate this MORE

All the rest of my entries are simple 550 Access Denied, figuring
there's no point in going out of my way to antagonize the spammers and
invite a joe job.  But this one really yanked me.

| [...]  I'm sure you didn't mean to spam the procmail list, but to those 
| who fight spam on a regular basis, your message strongly resembles spam.

| It is amazing that some people fail to recognize this in their enthusiasm 
| to spread the word about a new endeavour.

Because in our world today the end justifies the means.

| [...]
| I might be alone in my belief, but I think I'll stick to the procmail list 
| for my dose of procmail, and for where I lend my time to assist others with 
| their procmail script writing.

I smell a flamefest coming. ;-)

me too!
| - Sean (still wishing people had to be a subscriber of procmail to post here)

Uhm, it is subscriber only.  I have 2 messsages pending moderator
approval right now. One was a sloppy copy/paste of my throwaway address
that included an extra chracter, and the other was an attempt to use a
plussed address (with my subscribed address) in response to a post of
yours 9 days ago.

Email address in From: header is valid  * but only for a couple of days *
This is my reluctant response to spammers' unrelenting address harvesting

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