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Re: New Procmail Recipe Forum at UNIX.COM for the Procmail Communit y

2003-02-15 23:38:20
On 15 Feb, procmail(_at_)deliberate(_dot_)net wrote:
| [...]
|       - Don  (also wishing people had to be a subscriber of
| procmail to post here)

Oh, but they do.  Or at least it has to be approved by the
administrator, which is pretty much equivalent to subscriber only these
days.  I have a post awaiting "moderator approval" for 10 days so far
due to a finger check when changing my From:.  That's NOT a complaint,
just a fact.  I think that's just fine. Really.

Email address in From: header is valid  * but only for a couple of days *
This is my reluctant response to spammers' unrelenting address harvesting

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