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Re: bouncing to a bunch of people . . .

2003-03-16 09:58:22
On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 the voices made David W. Tamkin write:

DWT> Tony Svanstrom had a good idea for making the list easier to maintain, but 
DWT> got a UUCA in the process:

 Mom always said I was special, and now this... an award... just for me... =)

 Ok ok, I messed up, but...

DWT> |  or just change `cat list.txt` to `cat list.txt | sed 's/$/\\/'`
DWT> Besides, that leaves much of the job undone.  Better,

 ...I'd say that I didn't leave much of the job undone, because I don't
remember the original poster stating that the file would include anything but
an address on each "line". =)

DWT>  # Look, Ma, no $SHELLMETAS
DWT>  :0c # since the OP seemed to need a `c' here
DWT>  * conditions
DWT>  ! `sed -e '/"/ba'  -e 's/^/"/' -e 's/$/"/' -e:a -e '$ !s/$/ \\/' list.txt`

 If I knew sed well enough I'm sure I could find something to complain about. =D

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