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Re: Recipe problem

2003-10-21 15:03:31
At 16:19 2003-10-21 -0500, Chuck Campbell wrote:
I looked at the Generic listname identification recipe, and I was a bit
baffled by things there I did not understand at all.

There are a variety of mechanisms which lists use, and the one recipe attempts to identify several at once. It also endeavours to eliminate "owner-" type prefixes and the like.

* ^X-Mailing-List: \/[^(_at_)]+

NO lockfile necessary there

* ! LISTNAME ?? ^^linux-kernel^^

Lockfile needed here

procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored

I'm not sure, but maybe I just need to match linux-kernel in htthe first
recipe, instead of the \/[^(_at_)]+ regexp?

That doesn't make it very generic, does it? That \/ bit (as per the manpages) "captures" the matching text which follows it into the $MATCH variable where it can subsequently be utilized. For instance, your second recipe could be written as:

* ! LISTNAME ?? ^^linux-kernel^^

(note lockfile flag). If you end up having several lists you know get matched by the listname extraction recipe, you can handle them all in one recipe:

* ! LISTNAME ?? ^^(linux-kernel|procmail|some-other-list)^^

Note how the action line remains constant, specifying the delivery mailbox name to be the same as the listname component.

I believe I also mentioned it in one of my earlier discussions on the topic, but since LISTNAME is only set in my rules if the message appears to be a list message, I can use that to my advantage when scanning for spam, by giving more allowance to lists because of topical content, etc.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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