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Re: virus recipe for MyDoom

2004-01-27 12:12:50
On 27 Jan 2004 Dallman Ross (dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com) wrote:
On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 09:24:38AM -0800, Bart Schaefer wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Nancy McGough wrote:

Another option is to use one of the generic virus-snagging recipes
that I have listed here:


I see you've got my set listed there.

My recipes won't catch the ZIP version because they're targeted at
constructs designed to trick the mail reader application into auto-
executing the attachment, or deliberate filename obfuscation.  They
don't do much to protect people from clicking on something they should

Thanks for the info Bart. I'll add a link to your message above
next to my link to your recipes.

Exactly.  Well said, and concisely.  Perhaps I will add a read-me
file to the gzipped file I provide stating this and telling users
they can add ZIP, etc., if they wish to, though it's against my

Dallman, please do add something to both the read-me and the
virussnag.rc and virussnag.gz files.

I just updated my Snagging Viruses section, which is here


and I would really appreciate feedback. My page has gotten about
300 hits in 9 hours and normally I get about 300 hits in 24
hours so lots of people are looking at this and it's important
that I don't lead them astray.

Thank you all very much,

Nancy McGough
Infinite Ink ~ <>
Deflexion & Reflexion (my atom-enabled blog) ~ <>

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