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Re: Realtime Blackhole List

2004-02-26 19:02:08
On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 02:28:00 +0100
Ruud H.G. van Tol disseminated the following:

I wonder why I get that error from procmail if '-' is allowed? 

You asked "is it legal" and dallman answered "not".

Well, I was just asking why, if the '-' is not the problem, why the error?


$MAILDIR is the PWD, so there is no need for it to be there. 
The directory $MAILDIR/spam should exist.

The value of MAILDIR should not have a slash at its very end 
(unless in the highly unlikely case that your MAILDIR is /).

An improved version of your recipe:


Gotcha, thanks.

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