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Re: spamassassin in my procmailrc fills up mail.log

2004-10-30 12:25:34
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:58:42 +0200, Michelle Konzack
<linux4michelle(_at_)freenet(_dot_)de> wrote:
Am 2004-10-29 18:07:41, schrieb Google Kreme:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 01:40:48 +0200, Michelle Konzack
<linux4michelle(_at_)freenet(_dot_)de> wrote:
I get over my 178 E-Mail accounts (fetrchmail+procmail+spamassassin)
more then 3000 Messages per day which mean, spamd produce per day
around 2,6 MByte SPAM in my logfiles

And this is a problem why?  2.6MB on a log rotate that keeps 7 days
(the default for most systems I've seen) only adds up to about 18MB of
log space. total.

Ehm, 2,6 MB/logfile = 7,8 MB/day = ~55 MB per week

It is putting 2.6MB into THREE logs?  That doesn't sound right, not
right at all.  Are you sure about that?  What is it writing to the
other logs?

The only place spamd should log, by default, is the maillog.  In fact,
grepping all log files for "spam" the only log file that ever mentions
spamd is maillog.

and even so, 55MB is still insignificant, and that's not even
accounting for compression.  My daily log files are about 3-4MB in
size, but the rotate logs are about 250K each (using bz2 compression).
 (I keep 30 days of maillogs myself, and they take up, total, less
than 10MB)

This is inacceptabel because I leave Strasbourg from time to time for 1
to 3 month and have no control over it.

it's, if what you say is true, 55MB total space, it's not like it's
taking more and more space.

My Logpartition is already 1 GB
which is enoght for normal use. spamd is not a normal-use.

This log-SPAM must be stoped...

Oh yes, I logrotate my logfiles 4 month.

You keep maillogs for 4 months?  then no, 1Gb is not enough room.

Much better to HAVE the logs and not need them then NEED the logs and
not have them, especially when 160GB drives can be had for $60.

60 US$ ?

Friend of mine bought one last week for $60.  I beleive it was $100 +
$40 MIR (rebate), but I'm unsure. is a good place to
check prices.  Of course, prices may not be as low in the EU.

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 :: Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for  :: 
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 :: be warm for the rest of his life.         ::

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