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Re: OT: Re: Outlook filters to reciepes

2004-12-16 05:48:54
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Dallman Ross wrote:

On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 11:44:02AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
Am 2004-12-15 17:25:02, schrieb Computer King:
I do not exactly follow could you explain

Outlook mails are crap and destroying Mail-Threads, distributing
tonns of Viruses daily (I get around 50-200 per day) and I hate it.

The Recipe mean, that all INCOMING Outlook Mails are send to /dev/null

1) [...]

2) A modern, patched Windows machine is fairly competent and not likely
to be doing this, even with OE.  All the unpatched, pirated, and older
versions of Windows out there are another matter, however.

        Also, sometimes I read in the SpamAssassin's headers that
        it found "trying to fake as OutLook or OE".  Maybe it can
        answer to Michelle, not all the "outlook" are real outlook.


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