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Re: EOF and future recipes

2010-06-07 04:40:26
As Olivier stated earlier I could just comment them out but procmail
will still read the file to the end. Apart from this there are currently
 over 5 A4 pages of recipes that need completing when the relevant email
arrives i.e. 5 pg to be commented out, line by line!

Considering todays computing power, reading 500 lines of comments will
take no significant time to process. And depending on your text
editor, commenting out all the lines from here to the end of file
could be done in very few keystrokes :)

Now there may be a recipe that would evaluate to always true and push
your email to your default location (inbox). But procmail may still be
touchy about the correctness of the syntax of the lines below this
"default/last to evaluate" recipe.

Best regards,

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