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Re: DNS RRtypes: creating a new RRtype

2003-10-19 00:20:43
Meng Weng Wong <mengwong(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com>:
| No, bind (i.e. I used bind9) does not have such a facility, as far as
| I know. But it allows easy plugin of a new record type, you just have
| to copy a new file in the tree. There's an automated code generator
| which automatically recognizes the code file and generates the glue
| code needed.

Aha.  *That's* why I only found the RR types enumerated in debug code!

| I have no idea how long it takes to get a new type approved and
| created. There are three classes, the official ones, which will have
| to go through some IETF procedure, half-official ones (forget how they
| are called), and experimental. Experimental don't need an RFC, you can
| use them immediately (if the bind9 bug is fixed).

We can declare an experimental, then.  Admins pay attention to BIND patches --
or, at least, the ones who don't aren't going to deploy SPF anyway.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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