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Re: draft 02.8 released; Mail::SPF::Query v1.8 released.

2003-11-29 07:29:06
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 12:01:01PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
| Which one is correct, the Perl script or the RFC?  Are there plans to
| bring them into agreement?

The latest versions are:

   draft-02.8.txt         http://spf.pobox.com/draft-mengwong-spf-02.8.txt
   Mail::SPF::Query v1.8  http://spf.pobox.com/Mail-SPF-Query-1.8.tar.gz

I am uploading Mail::SPF::Query to CPAN now.

I apologize for the delay.

I plan to update the rest of the website over the weekend.

I'm still against double slashes for ip6, if someone dosn't read the spec
carefully they are going to end up using single slashes.

I propose changing:

    dual-cidr-length = [ ip4-cidr-length ] [ ip6-cidr-length ]
    ip4-cidr-length  = [ '/'  1*DIGIT ]
    ip6-cidr-length  = [ '//' 1*DIGIT ]


    dual-cidr-length = [ ip4-cidr-length ] [ '/' ip6-cidr-length ]
    ip4-cidr-length  = [ '/' 1*DIGIT ]
    ip6-cidr-length  = [ '/' 1*DIGIT ]

[http://pointless.net/]                                   [0x2ECA0975]

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