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Re: Maybe simple question

2003-12-12 14:56:55
On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 01:29:43PM -0800, Ned Harvey wrote:
Ok, so I understood it correctly from the start then.  Under SPF, the 
receiver's mailserver has to know the IP address that the message came from.  
But it doesn't.  It only knows the last relay that hands the message over.

Email is almost never a direct operation, Wechsler.  Look at your own 
messages.  The ones you send to this list go through 5 relays before arriving.

SPF blows away the entire idea of SMTP relaying.  It is not compatible with 

Sure it is.  The address that send me your message is
"owner-spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com".   The system that sent it 
apex.listbox.com.  According to the SPF rules published in the listbox.com DNS,
apex.listbox.com is indeed permitted to send mail from @v2.listbox.com. Seems
to work fine.

SPF appears extremely well thought-out (although using TXT records for it
bothers me as being kludgy, even if it is easier to get adopted than a new
RR type).

BTW, I published SPF records for 100K+ domains yesterday, ones that should
never send E-mail.  My inbound servers will use SPF as soon as possible.

They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the
Wright brothers.  But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." -- Carl Sagan

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