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Re: SPF articles for Linux Journal

2004-01-07 18:00:17
On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 02:41:17PM -0800, Greg Connor wrote:
| My quick read on the important points to address...

Thank you all for the suggestions on the article.  I have taken them
into account and will follow the guidelines you presented.  I take care
to present SPF as an anti-forgery technology first and an aid to
anti-spammers second.

| First, SPF will not "solve" spam. Claims that it will are not helpful. 
| Acknowledge that SPF is one way to add accountability to SMTP transactions 
| for those who decide to use it, but SPF by itself will not stem the tide of 
| spam.
| SPF will help some domain owners guard against forgery.  There will still 
| be forgery, but those domain owners who choose to use SPF get a modicum of 
| protection.  Spammers who want to get their message out to more readers may 
| start to avoid spoofing with SPF-protected domains and move on to the 
| millions of unprotected domains.  Thus SPF is a "necessary but not 
| sufficient" first step toward addressing forgery and adding accountability.

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