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Re: major forwarders in trusted-forwarder.org

2004-01-09 16:01:37
In <x4n08y9vle(_dot_)fsf(_at_)footbone(_dot_)midwestcs(_dot_)com> wayne 
<wayne(_at_)midwestcs(_dot_)com> writes:

I do have a couple of questions though:

Is there any reason to restrict who can do zone transfers for
trusted-forwarder.org?  I can't see anything that would be very secret
in there.

Should make the zone file available via http also?   It contains
comments, a few email addresses and other information that may be both
more useful for people, but also more likely to be wanted to keep
private.  (The email addresses in particular.)

Welp, I've gotten one reply so far and that was to make the
trusted-forwarder.org zone available in rbldns format.

Any other comments?

I'm leaning toward making this info public, but it is hard to put the
genie back in the bottle.


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