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Re: the inevitability of SRS

2004-01-13 10:27:43
On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 06:03:04PM +0100, Anthony Howe wrote:
| I've considered that, but the point still remains that SRS in its 
| current form does not document this and Meng leans heavily towards SRS. 
| Either SRS has to change or RFC 2821 has too.

It is rather easy to go over the 64 byte limit.

I would be happy to release a Mail::SRS::DBI subclass that performs the
rewrite to a 32 char HMAC plus 32 char DB key or something like that.

The point of publishing an SRS standard was so that an intermediary
could replace   A-B(_at_)C   with   A-D(_at_)E  instead of having to do
A-B-C-D(_at_)E(_dot_)  If the whole thing gets shoved into a DB there's no need 
a standard syntax with delimiters and whatnot.

I have unsubscribed achowe(_at_)snert(_dot_)com for now, please resubscribe when
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