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Re: (foreign language encoded in ) Re: the inevitability of SRS

2004-01-13 22:49:19
In <20040114031212(_dot_)GN6875(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com> Meng Weng 
Wong <mengwong(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com> writes:

Personally I think the 64 char limit is ridiculously short.   Who
actually uses that limit?

Well, I did some more poking around.  Besides the comp.mail.misc
thread from last month, I couldn't find a whole lot of references to
VERP causing the local part to be too long.  I also check and found
that some of the VERPs I get via Yahoo! Groups are in the 45-50 char

I realize that my email address isn't the shortest in the world, but I
can easily imagine ones that are a fair amount longer.  Checking my
.mailrc file (address book), I found a couple of email addresses that
are long enough for Yahoo! Groups' scheme to go over 64 chars in the
local part.

I wonder how common this problem really is...


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