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Re: return of SOFTFAIL

2004-01-27 19:16:03
On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 09:09:46PM -0500, Matthew Barr wrote:
| Obviously the recieving party will have the data of the softfaill.  How  
| do we get it back to the domain owners?    Would a soft bounce to the  
| original email get the user to talk to the SA?

There are two ways to get data back:

1) lightweight: you can do an "exists" mechanism.

    20040127-21:15:17 mengwong(_at_)dumbo:~% dig +short altavista.com txt
    "This domain sends no email"
    "Null SPF is for tracking purposes only"
    "All mail claiming to be from altavista.com is forged"
    "v=spf1 +exists:CL.%{i}.FR.%{s}.HE.%{h}.null.spf.altavista.com -all"

2) heavyweight: you can add a report= modifier and wait for receiver
   MTAs to start supporting that.


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