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Re: Discussion of Email Caller ID Boycott (url)

2004-03-30 06:28:44
Sorry!  I forgot to post the URL:


On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 04:39, Dan Boresjo wrote:
On Tuesday 30 March 2004 05:59, Boycott Email Caller ID wrote:
I've founded a site dedicated to reasons against using Microsoft's
Caller-ID for E-mail.

Do you have a URL for the site?

Am I right in thinking that Caller-ID for E-mail only lists IP addresses of 
servers rather than names? In which case I would point out the following 
paragraph from RFC1035 section 3.6:

"The present system attempts to minimize the duplication of data in the 
database in order to insure consistency. Thus, in order to find the address 
of the host for a mail exchange, you map the mail domain name to a host name, 
then the host name to addresses, rather than a direct mapping to host 
address. This approach is preferred because it avoids the opportunity for 
inconsistency. "

In SPF you can use name-based rather than IP-based mechanisms to help ensure 
cache consistency.

- Dan

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