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Re: Discussion of Email Caller ID Boycott

2004-03-30 09:18:54
 "Hallam-Baker, Phillip" <pbaker(_at_)verisign(_dot_)com> writes:

I've founded a site dedicated to reasons against using Microsoft's
Caller-ID for E-mail.  I'm looking for comments with any additional
reasons that you guys can think of for choosing an open, unpatented
solution over a proprietary, controlled architecture, 

This is clearly about the anti-Microsoft agenda of one individual 
and not about promoting SPF or helping to reduce spam. 

There are technical and political problems with C-ID, and this website
points out these problems.  I don't see much MS bashing there,
although it is obviously biased, I saw nothing that was false.

There are also technical and political problems with SPF, SRS,
libspf-alt, etc.  I have no problems with people writing up web pages
that point out problems with those things either, but discussions of
C-ID and SRS should take place elsewhere.

I think that the idea of a campaign like this is a totaly crackpot
idea and that any attempt to persue it would backfire. It would
rightly appear that supporters of the campaign considered their
anti-Microsoft agenda more important than solving the spam problem.

Nice ad-hominem there Phill....
