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Re: related to "mxout": a 3-step antispam rule that stops zombie spam

2004-04-21 05:16:51

On Apr 21, 2004, at 12:20 AM, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

  3) does it look like a broadband host?  If yes, reject.

Most zombie machines get blocked by #3.
Legitimate linux hobbyists get through due to #2.
Spammers who publish SPF get blocked by #1.

Voila!  Everybody's happy.

Looking back through our logs, I see at a bare minimum 1 false positive per day on your rule #3. Sometimes a double digit number. "Everybody" would probably overstate your happy audience marginally.

// Theo Schlossnagle
// Principal Engineer -- http://www.omniti.com/~jesus/
// Postal Engine -- http://www.postalengine.com/
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