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Whitelists instead of SRS

2004-04-21 21:44:39
Let me modify and reposition my previous suggestion:  I would suggest
that whitelists are a better solution to handling forwarding than SRS.

As a user, I would like to be able to have a ~/.trusted-forwarders file
such as:




Let's assume that every machine can magically know whether any
particular domain fully supports ORCPT in incoming and outgoing emails.

Let's also assume that we've figured out a really great way for domains
to publish the information alluded to in the "include:" lines above, so
that people could include other domains' or email addresses' published
trusted-forwarder lists.  

With those assumptions, then my machine can know for each line whether:

  o  It can accept forwards from "user(_at_)forwarder(_dot_)com" just
     as I requested.  (This would be possible if both
     forwarder.com uses ORCPT all the time and so do we), or whether
  o  It must instead accept forwards from anyone @forwarder.com
     instead of "user(_at_)forwarder(_dot_)com", because either forwarder.com
     doesn't use ORCPT all the time or we don't use ORCPT all the time.

If this were an ISP, it could obviously set up a spiffy web interface
showing for each line, which was the case, so users would know how
closely their settings could be implemented.  (They would also know
which forwarders of theirs supported ORCPT, and could put some pressure
on them to change.)

So with this information from a ~/.trusted-forwarders file, (or the
equivalent from a spiffy web page), a domain testing incoming emails for
against SPF and recipient-forwarding preferences could:

  1.  First test the message according to the MAIL FROM value.

  2.  Then test the message according to:

      1.  Either the ORCPT value if one exists, or
      2.  Every SPF record of every domain listed in the expanded
          ~/.trusted-forwarders file, from which connections
          won't use ORCPT.

   3.  The action we take (accept-or-reject the email), is based
       on the most optimistic of all the answers.

To me this would still seem to be a better system than SRS.

On some related issues:

1.  One way to see whether various systems support ORCPT is to
    add an SPF flag modifier in which they can claim such, such
    as "flags", or perhaps just "f".

    "flags=abABa2A2" Could mean that this machine
    supports a, b, A, B, a2, and A2, (whatever this means.)

    We could have flags that specify ORCPT support.

2.  An option like "-all" in the trusted-forwarders file could
    specify that you want to rewrite any ending "*all" as "-all"
    for the purpose of the forward whitelist tests.

    I imagine people would tend to want to specify this.

    For instance, even though pobox.com's spf record currently
    ends in "?all", I personally would feel safe in evaluating
    that as if it ended in "-all" for my forwards through pobox,
    because if I had a pobox account, well, I would know that
    all mail forwarded through my pobox account would have gone
    through pobox itself.

3.  I recognize that some MTAs may never support DSN, and thus
    may never support ORCPT, (which is only a small part of the DSN

    So is it possible to get MTAs to support ORCPT without them having
    to commit to supporting all of DSN?  (Be prepared for an audacious
    suggestion here...)

    I also recognize that usually suggesting an SMTP extension
    can take quite a while--to get to full RFC status.

    But what about a very limited extension, say an extension
    "ORCPT" that overlaps with RFC3461's ORCPT?  This could
    probably even be a one-page RFC.

    Then MTAs whose authors who don't want to support the full DSN
    can still support ORCPT, which is already well defined elsewhere.

    In the meantime nothing really technically limits MTA's from
    implementing an unofficial "XORCPT" extension that also provides
    "ORCPT" functionality.  (Having an X-extension provide a non-X thing
    is not technically kosher, but given that the non-X thing is
    already defined elsewhere, I doubt that there would be too much

    Use of ORCPT only improves this sort of whitelisting, and without
    ORCPT, we're still no worse off than SRS, so I don't see why it
    would be too bad if it really took a couple years to get a one-page
    and limited RFC like this through.

Any comments?

Mark Shewmaker

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