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Re: Dear Microsoft,

2004-06-06 13:06:28
On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 12:45, wayne wrote:
No!  They would be violating the New SPF system and would create

How so?  MS should just drop CID like the dead rat that it is. 
Remember, they came around AGAIN because CID is lame and they missed the
boat on trying to shove that crap down everyone's throats like they
normally do.

Why is CID lame?

- Having to read past DATA !!!
- Publishing XML in DNS !!!
- Publishing XML in DNS !!!
- Publishing XML in DNS !!!
- Lame license

MS working with "us"?  MS isn't working with "us" hanger-ons, if they
were, they would be posting here.  MS is working with Meng because it
is very useful for them to get the positive press that they are
working with the open-source/internet community and this lets them use
the tens of thousands of published SPF records.

SPF would succeed without MS help.  Its simply moving faster as a
result, HOWEVER, there is possible detriment to working with MS... as is
rather evident. 

Working with Meng hardly qualifies as "working with the
open-source/Internet community" as no single individual is qualified or
capable for representing all of the desires and feelings of said
community.  However I am confident that Meng is doing what is right
without allowing other issues to cloud judgement.  I really don't give a
flying !(_at_)#$ if MS is involved or not, but I am worried about working
with people who stipulate idiotic things like shoving elephants into

It wasn't.  Didn't you get the memo?

Let me re-state what I said since you seem to have confused its intended
meaning.  Perhaps through repetition its true hidden meaning will be

I can't believe that MS publishing SPF1 records was not a stipulation of
this "merger" agreement.



James Couzens,
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