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Re: Software is Buggy and Immature!

2004-06-29 05:31:15
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 02:56:51 -0700, David Lawless 
<lawless(_at_)spamcop(_dot_)net> wrote:
SPF must be made much easier to deploy!  The ability to hack
Perl code and obsessive persistence should not be requirements
for getting SPF working!

Count me among the people who would prefer not to use Perl in
situations like this, and who think easy deployment is crucial. But
FWIW, not all cases require hacking or persistence even at the present
stage. For a vanilla SPF setup under FreeBSD & Postfix, my setup
process consisted of:

1. Fetching, renaming and chmodding http://spf.pobox.com/postfix-policyd.txt
2. portinstall p5-Mail-SPF-Query
3. Adding two lines to my Postfix config
4. postfix reload

paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web development
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