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Re: Software is Buggy and Immature!

2004-06-29 04:48:45
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, David Lawless wrote:

I'm giving up on SPF for a few months.  All of the SPF 
implementations are buggy and extremely difficult to implement. 
No SA on this earth has two days to screw around downloading one 
Perl module after another only to discover yet another 
undocumented dependency.  SPF will not be adopted until cleanly 
packaged, bug-free, and comprehensive solutions are available.  
Just one would do the trick!  I'm amazed I gave it so much time.

I strongly recommend trying the SPF milter code from Jef Poskanzer and
myself, which works with Wayne Schlitt's libspf2 library. It is available
from http://www.libspf2.org/download.html. The code in this newer library
is of a much higher quality, including support for full SPF record
checking and the IPv6 protocol. It has also been tested considerably more
extensively and deployed on more systems. Furthermore, this new code is
known to be reliable under load and not to leak memory.

There is one compile issue on Solaris and FreeBSD (as noted in a previous
post) which will be fixed in the next minor release. These should not
cause a major problem, but if you are really concerned, you should wait
until this afternoon UK time to download libspf2-1.0.3 and

If you find any other issues with this code, I will be more than happy to 
fix them.


Shevek                                    http://www.anarres.org/
Robust SPF with MTA support               http://www.libspf2.org/
SRS for the next generation               http://www.libsrs2.org/