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Re: Suggestions and Ideas

2004-06-30 02:15:20
On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 01:48, Paul Howarth wrote:
Shevek wrote:
On the other hand, it works and doesn't leak memory.

The same could be said of /bin/true

The point is, none of the currently available code provided the functionality 
that David wanted. The perl code just happened to be the easiest to knock 
shape. David now seems to be quite happy with what he has, even if it could 
smaller, faster and less leaky of memory.

 > However, we will look
at getting these new features implemented as soon as possible. It would
help us if you were to submit tickets containing descriptions of the
desired features to <libspf2 [at] rt.anarres.org>.

I will do that.

Suggestions are also welcome (as they are with ALL of the libraries as
far as I am aware) with libspf.  I would recommend that you sign-up to
SPF-DEVEL and post your suggestions publicly there.  This has several
benefits, which include what often ends up being refinement of an idea
by others yielding a better one in addition to lightening up the
development process.

If you honestly can't be bothered to join the development list, post
your idea in here anyways, worst case scenario is it gets ignored and
you'll never be rolling around late at night wondering just how the
interweb might be a safer place had you only revealed your idea(s)! ;-)

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.


James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
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