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Re: protocol-00 issues

2004-07-15 19:53:14

On Jul 15, 2004, at 7:14 PM, Frank Ellermann wrote:
On the MARID list somebody found some real issues in the ABNF:
Maybe these problems can be fixed before Jul 19 ?  Bye, Frank

Alas, they cannot. Since the protocol doc was a -00 revision draft submitted in the last week before the dead-line for -00 drafts, we are not permitted under normal circumstances to revise it during the following week when revisions to already existing drafts are allowed. This is to prevent "holding" a draft spot - and so that IETF participants have a time to digest a new draft before the meeting. Presumably revisions to existing drafts are not whole-sale replacements and so don't need as much digesting. (Where *IS* my glass of Port...)

If there were really a show-stopper issue, then the working group chairs could petition for a revision - but this minor clarification needed in the ABNF hardly counts.

As for the "somebody" - Jutta is a friend of mine and I'm delighted to see that she is involved in this. She and I have already had a number of exchanges and we can look forward to several refinements of language in the -01 draft. On the few issues that might affect interpretation, I have directed her to report back to the MXCOMP list (even where I agree with her...)

But this will be after IETF 60 on August 4th.

        - Mark

Mark Lentczner