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Re: mail administrator certification example

2004-07-30 12:19:31
On 30 Jul 2004 at 13:58, John Keown wrote:

Comminigatepro by stalker. One of the best mail server on the planet. It is
written 100% rfc compliant from the ground up. Check out their clients. In
fact tucows runs on communigatepro.

You are implying that Comminigatepro doesn't check the SPF records as
stated in the current specification (note that its not an RFC yet)?  The
CIDR notation is specifically explained there, as Paul Howarth already
noted. How have you tested it? Maybe someone from Stalker is on the list
and can clarify?


Ernesto Baschny <ernst(_at_)baschny(_dot_)de>
 http://www.baschny.de - PGP: http://www.baschny.de/pgp.txt
 Sao Paulo/Brasil - Stuttgart/Germany
 Ernst(_at_)IRCnet - ICQ# 2955403