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Re: Case Sensitivity

2004-08-01 15:43:42
On Sun, 2004-08-01 at 13:50, Koen Martens wrote:

As you may have noticed, it did get standardized: compare domains
in an case-insensitive manner. There. Period. Did you read the thread?
Or just the last bit of it, where it got nasty?

Now if this goes on any longer, i _will_ volunteer to moderate this
list. There's _way_ too much crap on these lists lately.

Whilst I will agree this list could use some moderation, its most
certainly not in the area of the recent discussions.

I should have exercised better judgement with my remarks in my last
post, and probably not posted at all.  My apologies, I shall attempt to
restrain my disgust towards the behaviour of Wayne to personal

You personally complained about my posting Koen, and whilst I can
understand how you might find it irritating perhaps you may then also
understand why I find it irritating that no one in a position of
responsibility here has done anything about my VALID complaints.  All I
have been told is to "suck it up" and "stop pissing on my shoes". 
Brushing issues under the carpet or ignoring them is certainly not the
way to deal with them.  Apparently I'm just supposed to be the "bigger
man" and "take the high road".  

Well I must apologize to everyone here then for being human in my
reactions to the behaviour of Wayne, and furthermore to the response
received by the "management" if you will.  I highly doubt that anyone
else here would have reacted much differently in my position.

I have said what I have needed to say, and I now have documented proof
necessary to substantiate my position in this entire issue, and I will
refrain from intentionally initiating discussions relating to Wayne's
considerable disrespect on this list in-spite of the fact that its
entitled "SPF-DISCUSS".

So here I am everyone, taking the "high road".  I hope you are happy
Wayne, you've done a wonderful job of acting like an asshole.


James Couzens,
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