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Re: Good Domain List one step closer to reality (actually two steps)

2004-08-14 04:39:39
On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 01:26:09PM +0200, Koen Martens wrote:

Only, the knife cuts at two sides here: not only the cost for spammers
is increased. The cost is also increased for normal, trustworthy small
companies. I resent the idea that you only are trustworthy if you can
cough up the dough. I know this makes perfect sense in a capitalistic
mindset, but i think it's despicable.

So, you are using free Internet access for your company ?  Or do you
pay $bigbucks for your "right" to be part of the Internet?

Do not forget that the "normal, trustworthy small companies" need to
"cough up the dough" once in every <foo> years whereas spammers will
have to pay every <bar> days.

No, this is not a plea for paying $lots_of_money to $accreditor.  I'm
just pointing out that IMHO you are not only missing the point but are
also part of that capitalistic world that you despise.

just my 2c

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