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Re: Fw: Received your email

2004-08-26 10:20:09
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administrator(_at_)yellowhead(_dot_)com wrote:
| At 01:58 PM 8/25/2004 -0400, you wrote:
|>The fact that the pretty point-and-drool user interface produces a
|>configuration that violates RFC2821 isn't really relevant. The
|>configuration was wrong -- it was misconfigured.
|>Email is hard. Wrapping it in a pretty GUI doesn't make users into
|>competent sysadmins. People ship crap 'products'. Boo hoo.
| ***************** REPLY SEPARATER *****************
| This is not about the Pros and Cons of GUI, or whether the bug is in the
| mail program, or the GUI, or the Operating System, and I will not get
| into those discussions. This is about the fact that these anomolies do
| exist in legitimate mail servers, and we cannot ignore that fact.
| The validity of using the HELO/EHLO information has been discussed at
| length on this list in the past, but it never struck home until now. There
| is currently no easy way to determine what a server outputs in the HELO
| response. It is not logged anywhere, and the problem has never been
| out in all online checks run against the server, because the server
was not
| initiating the action. Yes, a person knowledgable of Sendmail can say that
| this is the same variable that is used elsewhere in the program, and the
| HELO output can be deduced from other places, but what of all the other
| mail programs out there?

Postfix: smtp_helo_name = $myhostname

Sendmail: confDOMAIN_NAME is the $j macro

If defined, sets $j. This should only be done if your system cannot
determine your local domain name, and then it should be set to
$w.Foo.COM, where Foo.COM is your domain name.

http://www.sendmail.org/m4/whoami.html for more details.

Exim and qmail I dunno.

- --
Chuck Mead <csm(_at_)redhat(_dot_)com>
Instructor II (and resident Postfix bigot), GLS
Disclaimer: "It's Thursday and my name is Locutus of B0rk!"
Addendum: "Bwahahaha! Fire up the orbital mind-control lasers!"

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