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Re: RE: SPF Record Publishing Rate

2004-09-03 21:04:11
Just added my 2 personal domains (after noting an increase in the number of TXT record queries on my DNS servers). I'm new to SPF and playing catch up to some degree. If all works out well, I'll be adding 60+ domains from work in the near future :-)


At 17:28 09/03/2004, Holm, Mark wrote:
Average rate still at about 2000 per day. Current total 77367 error and warning free. Wouldn't be surprised if it slacks off some during the Labor Day long weekend. Maybe the rest of the world can pick up some slack ;)

If the 2000 per day rate comes back after the weekend, 100,000 by mid month is in sight.

Out of touch till Tuesday.

Mark Holm

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