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Re: Apache Foundation and SenderID

2004-09-03 17:26:39
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 02:51:54PM -0400, David Brodbeck wrote:
On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 19:48:15 +0200, jpinkerton wrote
MX records are not required. I remember reading somewhere - possibly 
even on this list - about exactly that.  Try setting up a domain 
without one and then use the mail :-)

Right, if there's no MX record the MTA is supposed to fall back to looking for
an A record.  In fact, until a couple weeks ago the domain I'm sending from
right now had no MX record, mostly due to laziness on my part.

An MX record is just a way to say "do not deliver directly to this host,
use that other host instead".

So, instead of saying "fall back to the A record", IMHO you should think
of it as "there's no MX record overriding the A record".

just my 2c

I ask you to respect any "Reply-To" and "Mail-Follow-Up" headers.  If
you reply to me off-list, you'd better tell me you're doing so.  If
you don't, and if I reply to the list, that's your problem, not mine.