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Re: call for volunteers: need someone to write a stunt DNS server

2004-09-16 22:58:23
On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 08:07:01PM -0700, Mark C. Langston wrote:
| 3)  A centralized reputation system is not the only solution to the
| problem of obtaining reputaiton information, in the same way that a
| centralized routing table or name service wasn't the solution to
| providing that data.   Centralized reputation systems also shift the
| burden of trust to the ones controlling the centralized system.  I'd
| STRONGLY recommend a decentralized system -- not because I'm working on
| GOSSiP, but because I believe deeply that trusting a single entity or
| small, finite set of entities with reputation information is a poor
| decision, and will ultimately benefit only those making money from it.

Karma.com is not meant to be centralized in the same way
that credit bureaux output a single risk score.

It is meant to be centralized in the same way that
rottentomatoes.com is centralized.  A plurality (to use the
term du jour) of input feeds will be represented through the
aggregator, in the same way that a stock exchange represents
a variety of individual stocks.