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Re: the Seth Hypothetical

2004-10-22 09:41:24

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

As Rand requested, I will add a modifier to v=spf1
indicating "do not interpret in PRA scope" so the purists
can be satisfied.

So help me out here, we want modifier - "don't interpret as PRA" and we 
don't want modifier "only interpret as PRA"? 

We should either be doing it with full scoping support or not and if not
then its only SPF Classic Mail-From that is supported for v=spf record.

As far as modifers for scoping syntax - I've posted about it at least
several times on this list and on MARID:
And its not new concept either as I found looking at year-old archives, it 
was in origianl SPF draft from october 2003 as "scope" modifier.

So again going over it again - we add positional modifier that interprets 
everything after it as applying to certain scope with default (no sc 
modifier on record) meaning it applies only to SPF1 mail-from like we 
currently have or  possibly with default meaning it applies to any scope 
(depending on what consensus on this list is for default).

Scopes as follows:
 m = rfc2821 mail-from (spf classic)
 h = hello
 s = submit
 i = ip ptr
 p = microsoft pra

Examples as follows:
 v=spf1 mx -all         - current spf, default meaning (scope aware programs
                          should interpret as "v=spf1 sc=m mx -all"?)

 v=spf1 sc=m mx -all    - the record only applies for mail-from scope
 v=spf1 sc=p mx -all    - the record only applies for PRA scope
 v=spf1 sc=m,s,p mx -all  - the record applies for Mail-From, Submit, PRA
 v=spf1 sc=m mx -all sc=h ip4: -all - here we have mx for
   SPF mail-from scope and is for hello scope record

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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