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Re: purely dual-format approach

2004-10-30 07:16:58
Roger Moser wrote:
Then the "sc=" modifier is not a "positional modifier"
according to above brain-dead definition.

Yes, that's what I said (minus "brain-dead" where IBTD):

| That would be a new kind of positional modifier, not
| the variant documented in SPF protocol-03.
It is a position-dependend modifier according to common

And where does its effect stop, at the end ?  Then you have
this problem with m1 m2 m3 in scope s1 and m2 m3 m4 in s2.
You could solve it with scope-start and scope-end modifiers:

beg=s1 m1 beg=s2 m2 m3 end=s1 m4 end=s2

But if you'd take the not so brain-dead Sender-ID definition,
then it's much shorter to get the same effect with spf2.0:

m1 only=s1 m2 m3 m4 only=s2

In other words m1 only in s1, m2 & m3 always, m4 only in s2.

BTW, if you don't like "sc=", you can name it "ot=".

It's not a problem with the name, it's a problem with existing
v=spf1 implementations.  The positional modifiers of spf2.0
also don't work with v=spf1.  For v=spf1 you need "predicates",
"options", or "properties".  I don't care about the name of 
this beast, as long as it's short.

                       Bye, Frank