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RE: Voting testers please

2004-11-17 07:49:15
Hi John,

Yep it's working now - and all those who have asked for testing accounts
have got one.  You'll know when you're in the right place 'cos you'll
either laugh or groan ;-)

First I chuckled, then I laughed. :-)

But it appears to have worked ok.  I'll try some hacking in a few hours to
see if it is secure.

You should make the "official" clock (now somewhat hidden at the bottom of
the front page below "Hosted by idimo") bigger and move it directly below
the "VOTING CLOSES AT" statement, maybe like that:

| VOTING CLOSES AT 09:00 GMT THURSDAY, 25th November 2004.
| It is now 14:53 GMT, 17th November 2004.

Anyway, you did a great job so far!

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