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RE: Sendmail white paper, SRS, and forwarding

2004-11-21 15:06:17
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
[mailto:owner-spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com]On Behalf Of David 
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 12:58 PM
To: spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subject: Re: [spf-discuss] Sendmail white paper, SRS, and forwarding

On Sun, 2004-11-21 at 12:03 -0500, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 08:47:00PM +0100, Roger Moser wrote:
| SRS breaks SES. The mail will be rejected if the mail is 
forwarded by a
| second forwarder (not doing SRS) after being forwarded by 
a forwarder that
| applied SRS.

I don't understand why this mail would be rejected. Unless it's just
rejected due to the normal brokenness of SPF when mail is forwarded?

i think we can rejigger SRS to not rewrite if SES is seen.

It would be better to have SRS happen _only_ if the original source
address has IP-dependent mechanisms followed by '-all', and preferably
also only if the recipient is known to check SPF.

How do you propose to know policies about the recipient?

Terry Fielder
Manager Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085


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