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RE: Re: [OT] djbdns is not free

2004-12-02 14:59:00
Hmm I never knew djbdns wasn't under GPL
So overall for djbdns or qmail the author can change his mind anyday and
charge for a license?

'Stephane Bortzmeyer' wrote:
The author views the RFCs as divided in two sets: those he 
approve and which are implemented and those he personally 
dislike and 
they are ignored.

That's how it should be done, you implement what you need, 
and you do it as correctly as possible.  You don't implement 
any nonsense introduced later, or obsolete stuff last seen in 
the 80s.  And you document what you have implemented.

Read http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/

File not found (resp. access denied without slash).  Bye, Frank

Correct URL http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html