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Re: re: djbdns is not free

2004-12-03 13:11:56
On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 13:43 -0500, Chuck Mead wrote:
James Couzens wrote:
Ok lets try this,

This discussion is soooooo far off topic that I hope this msg can serve 
to end it. Flat out nobody here cares about it one way or another 
unless, somehow we've mystically changed topic!

You do not represent everyone on this list.  Clearly _I_ am interested
in it.  Also Greg has expressed interest.  Furthermore, so has Bashar Al
Abdulhadi as well Jeroen Massar.

Its absolutely NOT off topic.  Its imperative that people have clear,
concise, and accurate information.  SPF relies on DNS.  We are speaking
of the two most widely deployed resolver libraries on earth, I should
think we're quite on topic.  

I'm not stating that we need to sit here and bicker back and forth, but
I saw misinformation and responded in a non-antagonistic manner
attempting to ensure that were someone to follow the thread they would
happen upon information to counter the previously posted.

As I stated at the end of my last post on this topic to Jeroen, I
cordially invited offlist discussion if he wished to debate my logic

I think its better that you should simple exercise your right to ignore
the topic all together.  It was even politely given an [OT] tag to aide
in those ignoring it.  It may not be right on topic topic, but its most
certainly relevant.



James Couzens,
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